Vitamin B12 Shortage Shrinks The Brain
Low levels of vitamin B12 increase the odds of losing
brain cells with age. This is the
conclusion of a study published in Neurology,
the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
What does this mean for memory and brain function?
Researchers took samples of blood from 121 people over
age 65, measuring B12 levels and testing memory and other cognitive skills, at
different times, four and a half years apart. Those people with the lowest levels of B12,
had the greatest brain shrinkage according to brain scans and they also had the
lowest scores on the memory and other cognitive tests.
Although it wasn’t tested whether B12 supplements would
solve this problem, many integrative doctors and naturopaths would recommend
taking about 1000mcg daily, especially for vegetarians or people with digestion issues involving
malabsorption. Sublingual form is best if there are problems with absorption.
Food sources of vitamin B12 include meat, chicken, fish,
milk and eggs.